Family events
Civil Baptism

What if you… celebrated the birth of your child? A civil baptism?
You are excited about the arrival of your baby. You wish to gather your relatives by organizing his baptism? Whether civil or religious, a christening is the perfect ceremony to celebrate your new family!
The godfather, the godmother, the grandparents, all are gathered at the town hall to share the first event of your child’s life.
After the sponsorship ceremony, the rest of the festivities will be great! You all meet in a beautiful domain in the open air. Beautiful tables are set up in the garden, a giant paella is simmering quietly, the “pièce montée” is being prepared in the kitchen, some glasses of champagne are bubbling happily.
Your friends, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts… each one has discreetly brought a photo of him/her as a baby. But who is who? Everyone plays the game and bets are taken!
A photographer captures those moments of magic that your child will discover as he/she grows up.
Are you interested ? We still have many other ideas 😉