Your bridesmaids are important people in your life but also in your wedding.You want to give them bridesmaids’ gifts to thank them or celebrate your relationship, but you don’t really know what and why? D Day Wedding Planner Savoy helps you with this guide!
I. Reasons to give bridesmaids’ gifts
To begin with, your bridesmaids are with you throughout your wedding and there are many reasons why you might want to offer them a gift.
A. To thank them for their involvement
First, you can offer bridesmaids’ gifts to thank them for their involvement throughout your wedding. Whether it is for the organization of the wedding, their moral support, or the shopping sprees in search of decorations, they are present and accompanying you in all stages of preparations. D Day Wedding Planner Alps suggests you thank them with a small intention.

Crédit photo : Laurent Photographe and you
B. To celebrate your relationship
Another reason to give bridesmaids’ gifts is to celebrate your friendship or bond. You may have known each other since birth, family dinners, school or even your first job ! So why not take the opportunity to celebrate your friendship or relationship with a lovely gift? D Day Wedding Planner Savoy brings you gift advice at the end of this article!

Crédit photo : Loïc Seiko
C. To keep a souvenir of this event
Finally, you can offer bridesmaids’ gifts to keep a souvenir of this event. As a matter of fact, keeping an object, whereas it’s a garment or a decoration, will be an excellent way to remember your wedding. Your bridesmaids are usually important to you, as you are to them, and you may both want to keep a real object to symbolize your happiest day.
A wedding planner can help you find the perfect gift!

Crédit photo : Kelly Dujardin
II. What to give?
Now you know some reasons why you can offer a bridesmaids’ gift, deciding what to give is never easy and will require so thought.
D Day Wedding Planner Savoy gives you a few tips that should help.
A. Something personal
First of all, you can give bridesmaids’ gifts that are unique to each person. It’s not a requirement, just like it’s not a requirement to give a gift, but a personalized present makes them feel special to you.
It shows how important they are to you, that you took the time to find something especially for them and that it’s not just a coincidence. It can be something they talk about, a common interest or the gift of a shared memory that symbolizes your friendship.

Crédit photo : Kelly Dujardin
B. Something they can wear during the wedding ceremony.
To continue, you can offer your bridesmaids something they can wear during your big day. It can be a good idea if you consider whether the item will be of value to them after your wedding. You want something they will keep and use, not something they will store in their closet for the next years.
If you choose the offer bridesmaids’ gifts to wear during the wedding, you can consider a piece of jewelry or a stylish dress that can be loved and worn after your event.
Of course, your wedding planner reminds you that it doesn’t need to be wedding specific.

Crédit Photo : Blondie Confettis
C. Neutral bridesmaids’ gifts
Lastly, D Day Wedding planner Alps recommends that you give your bridesmaids a neutral gift.
That is to say, an object or an item of clothing without mentioning the fact that she’s the bridesmaid on it. Indeed, it will be easier to wear a simple garment, as pajamas or dress if it is neutral rather than with writing on it. Moreover, it’s way easier to display an object in their living room if it’s neutral as well.
But a personalized glass or candle can also be great bridesmaids’ gifts!
Only you can decide what’s best for your bridesmaids, we are just giving you a few tips to help you!

Crédit photo : Laurelene Gervasi
Finally, you can find every information on our packages on D Day Wedding Planner Alps! As always, we also are on Instagram, Pinterest and also on the podcast – Apple, Deezer or Spotify !